
Property Maintenance – We offer quick and inexpensive repairs. Think about it for a moment, who would you suppose gets the best prices and highest priority from local plumbers, electricians, general contractors, roofers, cleaning company and handyman? Do you believe it would be the organizations with hundreds of jobs to offer on a monthly basis or the one lonely landlord who offers a job once or twice a year? This is simply one of those cases where we have strength in numbers; by joining the hundreds of landlord that do business with us you are able to take full advantage of our extensive network of property maintenance relationships.  We assure the most competitive bids for repairs and maintenance in the industry.



  • Supervision of property repairs and maintenance
  • Qualified repair companies are meticulously interviewed by our company before making on to our approved vender list
  • 24 hour phone availability for emergency repairs
  • Scheduled annual (or as needed) property walk-through to ensure everything is in order
  • Arrange and oversee repairs, maintenance, and contractual services as required
  • Purchase equipment and supplies deemed necessary to maintain the value of the propertyhiring and supervision of contractors