Tag Archives for " individual owner "

Do I need a Property Manager

Property management is a recently growing sector of the real estate business.  However, what exactly should a property manager do? Who actually needs or could benefit from the services a property manager offers? Are these benefits worth the expense?

These are common questions that property owners and investors often ask and seldom receive a straight forward answer.

Here is a quick list and comparison to help those of you which may be considering the service.

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What can a Property Manager do for me?

A Property Manager or Property management company was a sector of the real estate industry that was previously reserved for larger buildings or investors with multiple properties; however, recently the industry has witnessed a slight shift in this culture.

Property management for the single unit owner is now more readily available and in most cases is very customizable to an owner’s needs.

This is a short list of what a property manager could take care of for you:

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